Adventure with US stamps, anyone?
Stamps, briefmarken, znaczki, belyegek, bull, dak tiket, hulak ticket, francobolli, frimerker, frimarker, frimarken, grammatosseema, kitte, margid, marke, marki, marky, na stampai, pasto zenklas, postzegels, pul, seels, sellos, selo, tawabi, tawabaa, tem, thapaal thalai, thapaal mudrakal, ticktain, tiket, timbres, timbre, tua praisanee, you piao, znamke...perfins, PNCs, revenues, back of book, plate numbers, air mail, special delivery, express, future delivery, news paper, tax, occupation, local, official, unofficial, postage due, diversion, cinderella... So many stamps, so little time... .